Top Tips to reduce body fat and transform your body

1. Carbohydrates, protein, fat, and alcohol have 4, 4, 9, and 7 calories per gram respectively. 2. You need to burn about 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat. 3. Insulin and growth hormone have an inverse relationship. You must keep insulin under control if you want growth hormone to do its job of […]


The Power of Consistency

The dreaded 3rd week in Jan, Monday was labeled as the most depressing days of the year and this week is classed as the week that most new year resolutions go out the window. If you started Jan on a good foot and feel that motivation to train or kick diet is dying off then […]


Benefits of Kettlebell Training

1) Helps to build strong core: So how does kettlebell training significantly develop core muscles? It is all to do with how the weight is balanced and the functional movements that are conducted. Key KB exercises like Press, Swing, Snatch, Turkish Get Up and Windmill require significant core recruitment. 2) Aids Mobility: To have good […]


Training With Steve Maxwell

BFT Chief Instructor with Kettlebell legend Steve Maxwell at Mobility Conditioning Seminar. Steve Maxwell is one of the most influential Fitness Professionals around today. Gavin Clarke is one of a very small number of people who Certified as a Kettlebell instructor in the UK under Steve Maxwell. Steve started the Russian Kettlebell Certification with Pavel […]


Top 10 Fat Loss Tips

The following tips will help you on the right track this New Year and will help to combat body fat. Tip 1) Don’t eat untill you are full: This sounds very simple but is difficult in practice. All you need to do is stop eating while you are still hungry. This will stop you not […]


Green Juice

Top Tip: A client from the last body transformation program gave me this tip. If you are blending fruit and veg drinks try separating them. Fruit like berries mixed with greens like spinach together, makes the drink colour brownish and taste a bit bitter. Try blending them separately to keep the taste and colour of […]


Holiday Season

Holiday Season is soon upon us! 🏖🌅 Now, if you know me well, you will know I am against the fad of losing weight and am more interested in helping people develop healthy relationships with their body. I want to help people to get fitter and stronger whilst developing mobility and improving general health. I […]

Bespoke Fitness Training